Basic Solutions

Here we can see the core physical elements for the Mobile Payment Solution:

General Solution Flows

Depending on the transaction type (sale, refund, consults, etc.), different flows are generated involving these three elements and its ‘interfaces’.

To make the SDK a simple and efficient experience for development, our architecture simplifies the communication, generating shorter flows where each request generates a callback for success or failure, abstracting the communication with the card reader devices.

The following diagrams represent different scenarios which may be applicable to your solution.

Detailed Solution Flows

Depending on the solution you intend to implement, different flows need to be implemented.

The next diagrams show a more detailed interaction, closer to the implementation your application is going to reproduce in order to execute transactions - the example is based on a simple sale scenario.

{gateway=nuvei} Mobile SDK SecureCard {/gateway}

Basic SDK Transaction Flow


Advanced Solutions - Secure Tokens

For more advanced solutions, please check the Documentation with further information.
