====== %CompanyName Hosted Pages ====== ~~TOC~~ \\ Our hosted page solution was created to provide a flexible, secure and easy way for small to mid-sized merchants to integrate their websites into our payments platform. This is a hosted service with the highest levels of internet security that can be fully customized to look just like your website. ===== Benefits ===== * **PCI compliant:** With our hosted pages you completely avoid handling sensitive card data, and keep your systems out of PCI scope. * **Integration is a breeze:** All you need to do is submit a simple web form and, once you get a response from us, display a receipt to your customer. * **Payments without borders:** Accept internation payments with our multi-currency solutions, such as **[[hpp_payment_features#ND008 - International payments|DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion)]]**. * **Risk management:** Enable //3D-Secure//, //MaxMind MinFraud//, //AVS//, and more at the flick of a switch with no extra development effort. * **Customization and branding:** Customize the payment page design with your logo and company colours to match your brand. * **Mobile-friendly:** Responsive design with support for **[[selfcare:api_specification:apple_pay|Apple Pay]]** and **[[selfcare:api_specification:google_pay|Google Pay]]**. ===== Getting Started ===== Get started with one of our guides. \\ \\ Ready to try? **[[..:signup|Sign up]]** for a sandbox account.