Loyalty Cards
There are 3 loyalty card features available for IDTech VP3300.
<Code Samples>
Apple VAS
Use the CoreLoyaltyConfig
builder to configure the Apple VAS settings before initializing the device.
Required fields:
- Apple VAS Merchant ID
- Apple VAS Private Key
- Java
- Android
- C#
- Websocket
HashMap data = new HashMap();
data.put("loyaltyConfig", new CoreLoyaltyConfig.Builder()
.addAppleVasMerchant("pass.com.pronto.id-tech.demo", "www.idtechproducts.com")
.setAppleVasPrivateKey( "F5368708933920553B7B9FFB16AEED9C77D5BFD9662AF149A6B9F965B73F0CCA")
JavaTerminal.getInstance().initDevice(DeviceEnum.IDTECH, DeviceConnectionType.USB, data);
HashMap data = new HashMap();
data.put("loyaltyConfig", new CoreLoyaltyConfig.Builder()
.addAppleVasMerchant("pass.com.pronto.id-tech.demo", "www.idtechproducts.com")
.setAppleVasPrivateKey( "F5368708933920553B7B9FFB16AEED9C77D5BFD9662AF149A6B9F965B73F0CCA")
AndroidTerminal.getInstance().initDevice(DeviceEnum.IDTECH, DeviceConnectionType.USB, data);
Dictionary data = new Dictionary();
data.Add("loyaltyConfig", new CoreLoyaltyConfig.Builder()
.AddAppleVasMerchant("pass.com.pronto.id-tech.demo", "www.idtechproducts.com")
Terminal.Instance.InitDevice(DeviceEnum.IDTECH, DeviceConnectionType.USB, data);
"type": "REQ_INIT_DEVICE",
"data": {
"device": "IDTECH",
"connectionType": "USB",
"loyaltyConfig": {
"appleVasPrivateKey": "F5368708933920553B7B9FFB16AEED9C77D5BFD9662AF149A6B9F965B73F0CCA",
"appleVasMerchants": [
"merchantId": "pass.com.pronto.id-tech.demo",
"merchantUrl": "www.idtechproducts.com"
Google Smart TAP
Use the CoreLoyaltyConfig
builder to configure the Google Smart TAP settings before initializing the device.
Required fields:
- Google Smart TAP Collector ID
- Google Smart TAP Private Key
- Google Smart TAP Private Key Version
- Java
- Android
- C#
- Websocket
HashMap data = new HashMap();
data.put("loyaltyConfig", new CoreLoyaltyConfig.Builder()
.setGoogleSmartTapPrivateKey( "F5368708933920553B7B9FFB16AEED9C77D5BFD9662AF149A6B9F965B73F0CCA")
JavaTerminal.getInstance().initDevice(DeviceEnum.IDTECH, DeviceConnectionType.USB, data);
HashMap data = new HashMap();
data.put("loyaltyConfig", new CoreLoyaltyConfig.Builder()
.setGoogleSmartTapPrivateKey( "F5368708933920553B7B9FFB16AEED9C77D5BFD9662AF149A6B9F965B73F0CCA")
AndroidTerminal.getInstance().initDevice(DeviceEnum.IDTECH, DeviceConnectionType.USB, data);
Dictionary data = new Dictionary();
data.Add("loyaltyConfig", new CoreLoyaltyConfig.Builder()
Terminal.Instance.InitDevice(DeviceEnum.IDTECH, DeviceConnectionType.USB, data);
"type": "REQ_INIT_DEVICE",
"data": {
"device": "IDTECH",
"connectionType": "USB",
"loyaltyConfig": {
"googleSmartTapCollectorId": 87133300,
"googleSmartTapPrivateKeyVersion": 10,
"googleSmartTapPrivateKey": "F5368708933920553B7B9FFB16AEED9C77D5BFD9662AF149A6B9F965B73F0CCA"
We only support MIFARE Classic and MIFARE Ultralight cards.
Write Data
Before using the MIFARE cards the merchant must write their own data to the MIFARE card. This can be done using IDTech uDemo.
The example below will show how to write a simple "Hello world!" using uDemo:
- Enabled Passthrough Mode.
- Command: 2C
- Sub-Command: 01
- Data: 01
- Place the MIFARE card on top of the reader.
- Read card:
- Command: 2C
- Sub-Command: 02
- Data: 0A 00
- Auth Command:
- Command: 2C
- Sub-Command: 06
- Data: 01 01 FF FF FF FF FF FF
- Write Block 1:
- Command: 2C
- Sub-Command: 08
- Data: 31 01 48 65 6C 6C 6F 00 77 6f 72 6c 64 21 00 00 00 00
- Data translation:
- 31 : Command
- 01 : Block to be written
- 48 65 6C 6C 6F 00 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 00 00 00 00 : 16 bytes of data - Hello word + padding of 0s for remaining 4 bytes
- Disable Passthrough Mode:
- Command: 2C
- Sub-Command: 01
- Data: 00
- Remove card from the reader.
Read Data
Card information can be read using the Android app NFC TagInfo by NXP.
- Install and open the app on the link above
- Place the MIFARE card on the phone's reader
- Select "FULL SCAN"
- The written information should be displayed as in the image below

SDK Configuration
Use the CoreLoyaltyConfig
builder to configure the MIFARE settings before initializing the device.
Required field:
- Array of block indexes to be read. IDTech limits it to 10 blocks per reading request.
Optional field:
MIFARE Classic authentication configuration
You could specify a global or multiple sector key configurations based on your MIFARE Classic card settings.
, there's no need to declare any authentication configurations.
When setting up a global MIFARE Classic key, the assumption is that all of the sectors use the same key
or at least the blocks requested belong to the sectors protected by the key. Use the method setMiFareClassicAuthGlobalKeyConfig
to configure it.
In case you have sectors with different keys, use the method addMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig
to add a sector key configuration.
- Java
- Android
- C#
- Websocket
HashMap data = new HashMap();
data.put("loyaltyConfig", new CoreLoyaltyConfig.Builder()
.setMiFareBlocksToRead(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 })
.setMiFareClassicAuthGlobalKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF") // replace key
.addMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF", new short[] { 0, 1 }) // replace key
.addMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF", new short[] { 2, 3 }) // replace key
JavaTerminal.getInstance().initDevice(DeviceEnum.IDTECH, DeviceConnectionType.USB, data);
HashMap data = new HashMap();
data.put("loyaltyConfig", new CoreLoyaltyConfig.Builder()
.setMiFareBlocksToRead(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 })
.setMiFareClassicAuthGlobalKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF") // replace key
.addMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF", new short[] { 0, 1 }) // replace key
.addMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF", new short[] { 2, 3 }) // replace key
AndroidTerminal.getInstance().initDevice(DeviceEnum.IDTECH, DeviceConnectionType.USB, data);
Dictionary data = new Dictionary();
data.Add("loyaltyConfig", new CoreLoyaltyConfig.Builder()
.SetMiFareBlocksToRead(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 })
.SetMiFareClassicAuthGlobalKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF") // replace key
.AddMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF", new short[] { 0, 1 }) // replace key
.AddMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF", new short[] { 2, 3 }) // replace key
Terminal.Instance.InitDevice(DeviceEnum.IDTECH, DeviceConnectionType.USB, data);
"type": "REQ_INIT_DEVICE",
"data": {
"device": "IDTECH",
"connectionType": "USB",
"loyaltyConfig": {
"miFareBlocksToRead": [ 1, 2, 3 ],
"miFareClassicAuthConfig": {
"globalKeyMode": "KEY_A",
"globalKeyValue": "FFFFFFFFFFFF",
"sectorKeyConfigs": [
"keyMode": "KEY_A",
"keyValue": "FFFFFFFFFFFF",
"sectors": [ 0, 1 ]
"keyMode": "KEY_A",
"keyValue": "FFFFFFFFFFFF",
"sectors": [ 2, 3 ]
After the device is initialized with the correct configuration you can set the parameter Loyalty Mode in a CoreSale
to process a Loyalty and/or Payment Card.
- Java
- Android
- C#
- Websocket
CoreSale sale = new CoreSale();
CoreSale sale = new CoreSale();
CoreSale sale = new CoreSale();
sale.amount = 1.00m;
sale.loyaltyMode = CoreLoyaltyMode.LOYALTY_AND_PAYMENT;
"data": {
"amount": 1.5,
"loyaltyMode": "LOYALTY_ONLY"
Re-defining Google Smart TAP Collector ID
It is possible to change the Google Smart TAP Collector ID on a per transaction basis. This can be done on the CoreSale
object using the method setGoogleSmartTapCollectorId
- Java
- Android
- C#
- Websocket
CoreSale sale = new CoreSale();
CoreSale sale = new CoreSale();
CoreSale sale = new CoreSale();
sale.amount = 1.00m;
sale.googleSmartTapCollectorId = 87133300;
sale.loyaltyMode = CoreLoyaltyMode.LOYALTY_AND_PAYMENT;
"data": {
"amount": 1.5,
"loyaltyMode": "LOYALTY_ONLY",
"googleSmartTapCollectorId": 12345678
Re-defining MIFARE Blocks
It is possible to change the MIFARE blocks to read on a per transaction basis. This can be done on the CoreSale
object using the method setMIFAREBlocksToRead
- Java
- Android
- C#
- Websocket
CoreSale sale = new CoreSale();
sale.setMiFareBlocksToRead(new byte[] { 1, 2 });
CoreSale sale = new CoreSale();
sale.setMiFareBlocksToRead(new byte[] { 1, 2 });
CoreSale sale = new CoreSale();
sale.amount = 1.00m;
sale.miFareBlocksToRead = new byte[] { 1, 2 };
sale.loyaltyMode = CoreLoyaltyMode.LOYALTY_AND_PAYMENT;
"data": {
"amount": 1.5,
"loyaltyMode": "LOYALTY_ONLY",
"miFareBlocksToRead": [ 1, 2 ]
Re-defining MIFARE Classic Authentication Configuration
It is possible to change the MIFARE Classic authentication configuration per sale. Use the methods setMiFareClassicAuthGlobalKeyConfig
and addMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig
- Java
- Android
- C#
- Websocket
CoreSale sale = new CoreSale();
sale.setMiFareBlocksToRead(new byte[] { 1, 2 });
sale.setMiFareClassicAuthGlobalKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF"); // replace key
sale.addMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF", new short[] { 0, 1 }); // replace key
sale.addMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF", new short[] { 2, 3 }); // replace key
CoreSale sale = new CoreSale();
sale.setMiFareBlocksToRead(new byte[] { 1, 2 });
sale.setMiFareClassicAuthGlobalKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF"); // replace key
sale.addMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF", new short[] { 0, 1 }); // replace key
sale.addMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF", new short[] { 2, 3 }); // replace key
CoreSale sale = new CoreSale();
sale.amount = 1.00m;
sale.miFareBlocksToRead = new byte[] { 1, 2 };
sale.SetMiFareClassicAuthGlobalKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF"); // replace key
sale.AddMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF", new short[] { 0, 1 }); // replace key
sale.AddMiFareClassicAuthSectorKeyConfig(CoreMiFareClassicAuthConfig.CoreMiFareClassicKeyMode.KEY_A, "FFFFFFFFFFFF", new short[] { 2, 3 }); // replace key
sale.loyaltyMode = CoreLoyaltyMode.LOYALTY_AND_PAYMENT;
"data": {
"amount": 1.5,
"loyaltyMode": "LOYALTY_ONLY",
"miFareBlocksToRead": [ 1, 2 ],
"miFareClassicAuthConfig": {
"globalKeyMode": "KEY_A",
"globalKeyValue": "FFFFFFFFFFFF",
"sectorKeyConfigs": [
"keyMode": "KEY_A",
"keyValue": "FFFFFFFFFFFF",
"sectors": [ 0 , 1 ]
"keyMode": "KEY_A",
"keyValue": "FFFFFFFFFFFF",
"sectors": [ 2, 3 ]
Reading MIFARE Ultralight Cards
MIFARE Ultralight
cards differ from the Classic one. Compared to the Classic which has a block size of 16 bytes, Ultralight uses pages which are 4 bytes each. When reading Ultralight cards, 16 bytes of data are returned from the specified start block (page number). For example, passing block 1 would read pages 1 to 4.
Additionally, the final 4 pages of Ultralight cards are for the authentication key and are not readable. If ever the 16 bytes would include bytes from the final 4 pages, it would just read the remaining bytes starting from page 0.
Response data
When a loyalty card is read the callback onLoyaltyCardDataRetrieved
will be called with the loyalty card information in the CoreLoyaltyCardData
object. If using web sockets, a message with type RES_ON_LOYALTY_CARD_DATA_RETRIEVED
will be sent.
Required fields:
Apple VAS:
"type": "APPLE_VAS",
"data": "337C7A53556879496972476D6376454A73507C38383838383838387C47696E676572"
Google Smart TAP:
"data": "940349617376940106690402717979715403396375739403116369640400000000000000000000000000000000190103035463706c00656e5403116375740448d6d68c9e75c38f3f116aca37139138540347617376940106690401000000005402386c799403096f696404bdf468a1a4f2f09f59012301546e00337c7a53556879496972476d6376454a73507c38383838383838387c47696e676572"
The Smart Tap data is an NDEF record which you could parse on this Parser.
"data": "{
\"errorCode\": \"E0\",
\"cardType\": \"04\",
\"uid\": \"0455E299102880\",
\"blockData\": {
\"3\": \"00000000020000100006011011FF0000\",
\"4\": \"020000100006011011FF000000000000\",
\"5\": \"0006011011FF00000000000000000000\",
\"6\": \"11FF0000000000000000000000000000\"